Mark 2:23-3:5

Mark 2:23-3:5

Mark 2:23-3:5

Mark 2:23-3:5

March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022

March 20, 2022

Bible Study

Bible Study

Bible Study

Bible Study





Group Discussion Questions

Q1. Do you take a day a week to rest?

  • If not, why not?

  • If yes what does it look like for you?

  • Is rest valued in your workplace, family, mindset?

Q2. What is your lived definition of Sabbath?

Q3. What are the implications of this in how we lead?

  • What areas of your life does this disrupt?

  • What areas of your life does this affirm?

Q4. What areas of my life am I causing Jesus distress?

  • Where am I stubborn? Hard-hearted?

Q5. Why did the Pharisees and Herodians unite?

  • Where did the Pharisees and Herodians get their legitimacy and power?

  • Why were these threatened by Jesus’ action?

  • What parallels with my own life can I draw and learn from?