Group Discussion Questions
Q1. Trusting in man means we end up with ‘limited resource & distracted vision’ where have you encountered these this week in your work or life?
Q2. What do you think it means to ‘trust in man’?
Q3. How might God be asking you to invest in the hidden areas of your life in this season?
Q4. Roots help us to stand strong when the ground shakes - are there any areas of your life that you feel are shaking now?
Q5. What kind of fruit are you hoping to bear this year?
Q6. Which areas of your life are you most aware of that need his wisdom and transforming power in right now?
Q7. Psalm 1, that Jeremiah quotes in our reading, speaks of not walking, standing, and siting with the unrighteousness what do you think this looks like in your day to day life?
How can we pray for you?
Ask the Spirit for a transformed heart!