Instaclock is a beautiful HTML timepiece. Once activated it displays an instagram containing the image of a clock reading the current time within a 5 min range.
A while back I had what I thought was a really simple idea; to write a little app that would search instagram for photos containing clocks and display the right one at the right time. It turned out to be a bit more complicated than I originally thought but this basically does what I set out to do.
Quite early on I realised that to find a good photo for every minute of the day was going to be quite tricky to source so instead simplified to looking for one photo for every five minutes of a 12 hour clock cycle (144 images). Each five minutes a new image is displayed that has a clock in it showing the time within a five min radius. This is accurate enough for most timekeeping, especially in Malaysia!
I love playing with ideas of repeated symbols and the idea of using available space within our normal lives. This is the end result.
Update 6th October 2018: Fixed RSS feed in version 2.0