Digital Advent Calendar

Digital Advent Calendar

Digital Advent Calendar

Digital Advent Calendar

December 20, 2019

December 20, 2019

December 20, 2019

December 20, 2019





Kate’s birthday is in November so as well as a birthday present I usually give her something for advent or a Christmas decoration. This year I got friends and family to send us a Christmassy boomerang and then using a quartz composition made a screen saver that each day would reveal a different person. Above is a screen grab of what it did on on Christmas day.

The process was:

  1. Create a montage of all the videos as one video. This is the background layer and plays on loop.

  2. Then layer onto doors individually that only open on the corresponding date.

  3. Play on top a template that makes it all neat.

  4. Added an extra falling snowflake effect for extra CHRISTMASSY!