Arbitrarily Ever After...

Arbitrarily Ever After...

Arbitrarily Ever After...

Arbitrarily Ever After...

June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012





"It's not that humans don't have rights, they do, it's that secular humanism is incoherent in articulating these rights and impotent in acting to defend them."     - Stephen Backhouse

I posted this quote on Facebook and got some interesting backlash from both sides.

Not to sure how much I agree with it, on the one had liberal freedom is founded on 'freedom-from' so does tend toward the individual having to arbitrate on moral issues but on the other it created a society which arbitrates amongst itself so the individual is not totally alone.

Saying that despite arbitrating together we do seem to be very lonely as a society and Stephen went on to suggest why:

"The freedom of secular humanism, its foundation of liberty and self determination, is a freedom from. Freedom from the restraints that hold us back; superstition, religion, aristocracy et al. So having cast them off the soul finds only one restraint left, itself. The only horizon for which to aim, itself."